In Beauty Fashion


Ahojte dievčatá :-)
Dnes som sa konečne dopracovala k tomu, aby som sem hodila nejaký nový outfit. Bundičku už veľmi dobre poznáte, nosím ju veľmi často a je ľahko skombinovateľná. Tento outfit sme fotili asi pred dvomi-tromi týždňami s úžasnou osobou a super fotografkou :-) No trošku dlhšie nám trvalo kým sme fotky dali do stavu zverejnenia. Ona práve robí bakalárku a ja som tento týždeň maturovala. No som strašne rada, že to mám za sebou a už sa budem venovať stopercentne tomuto blogu. Už ma čakajú len ústne maturity na konci mája, no oproti tomu všetkému čo mám už za sebou  je to nič ;-)

Tento outfit je vhodný niekam na večer, sadnúť si s kamarátkami, pretože v noci býva ešte chladno tak v pohode využijete takúto bundičku. Klobúky veľmi rada nosím, preto som si dala aj tento béžový k tomuto outfitu. Mne sa veľmi páčia veľké klobúky, ale tie skôr v lete a na pláž :-) Topánky som zvolila vysoké, milujem podpätky, sú veľmi ženské a tieto ihličkové som skombinovala s čiernou listovou kabelkou (keď idem s babami niekam večer, beriem si minimálne vecí, pre prípad straty :D)
Tak ešte si užite víkend a čoskoro čakajte nový príspevok. Krásny víkend prajem.
Hey girls (:
Finally I got a chance to post a new outfit today. You already know the jacket from my previous posts, I weat it very often because it's easy to combine with other pieces of clothes. We took the pictures about two or three weeks ago with the great person and amazing photographer (; It took us a long time to edit pictures so that I could post them. At this moment, she is working on her bachelor thesis and I took the school-leaving exams this week. But I'm glad it's almost over and I have time to work on my blog. I have only oral exams ahead at the end of May, but comparing to what I have already passed it's nothing (;

This outfit is suitable for evening, to go for a drink with friend, because during nights is still really cold so you will definitelly usee this jacket. I like to wear hats, that's why I chose this beige one to complete my outfit. I love huge hats, but they should be worn mostly in summer and at the beach (: I chose high heels, because I adore them and they are very feminine and these one I combined with the clutch (when I go for a drink with girls, I took only few things, in case of lost :D) Enjoy the rest of the weekend and there's gonna be new post soon. Have a wonderful weekend.


JACKET: River Island


TOP: Zara

HEELS: Guess

HAT: Choies



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