
The US shopping! (:

Good evening whoever is reading this blog! I just got home today early in the morning. I was on my vacation in Miami and I am going to write about shopping which was really surprising for me.

I lived in Miami for a year and I bought so many clothes. The quality in 2012 was amazing, I loved american brands like Abercrombie and Hollister. But this time I was dissapointed because not only I found ugly clothes but also the quality was terrible. I didn't want to buy the same brands we have in Europe but honestly, those european brands were much better. I went to the US with only 2 shorts, 1 trainers, 5 T-shirts, 2 jeans and 1  jacket. I wanted to buy there the full luggage. But my plan didnt work :D

The Victoria's secret was also poor quality. I only got few things and I'm going to order the rest from the website. Moreover, I bought only two pairs of shoes :( That was really bad shopping and I can't wait to visit any European city to purchase better quality clothes. Yaaay! 

On the other side, I LOVE MIAMI! This city is just glamorous. We had so much fun. We drunk every night, ate so much junk food (my stomach still hurts :D) smoke the hookah. First three days we spent in Orlando because we went to the Universal Studios. It was adventurous, because we went to all different rides. There were different attractions like Harry Potter, Transformers, E.T., The Mummy, Shrek, Twister, The Hulk ride, Spiderman ride. Literally everything was amazing. I'm sure I'm going back soon (:

Dobrý večer ktokoľvek kto číta tento blog! Dnes skoro ráno som sa vrátila domov. Bola som si oddýchnuť od všetkého, hlavne od školy v Miami a tento príspevok bude o nákupoch, ktoré ma veľmi prekvapili.

Žila som v Miami 1 rok a vtedy som si pokúpila tonu oblečenia. Kvalita vecí v roku 2012 bola super. Zbožňovala som americké značky ako Abercrombie a Hollister. Avšak tentokrát som bola sklamaná pretože nielenže som našla škaredé oblečenie ale ešte k tomu aj zlú kvalitu. Nechcela som kupovať rovnaké značky ako máme v Európe, no popravde európske značky sú oveľa lepšie. Do US som išla len s dvomi šortkami, jednými teniskami, piatymi tričkami, dvomi riflami a s jednou bundou. Chcela som tam naplniť celý kufor.

Victoria's secret mala tiež zlú kvalitu. Iba pár vecí som pokúpila a zvyšok si objednám zo stránky. Ba čo viac, kúpila som len dva páry topánok :( Skutočne to boli najhoršie nákupy, už teraz sa neviem dočkať kedy vybehneme niekde v Európe na nákupy.

Napriek zlým nákupom ZBOŽŇUJEM MIAMI! Je to čarovné meste a veľmi sme si to užili. Drinkovali sme každý večer, jedli sme veľmi veľa nezdravého jedla (ešte stále ma bolí brucho :D) vodné fajky sme fajčili. Prvé tri dni sme boli v Orlande, lebo sme išli do Universal štúdia. užili sme si kopu dobrodružstva a vyskúšali sme všelijaké atrakcie ako napríklad Harry Potter, Transformers, E. T., The Mummy, Shrek, Twister, The Hulk ride, Spiderman ride. Doslovne všetko bolo úžasné. Určite sa tam čoskoro vrátim  (:


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