Finally I did all my tests (CAE and School leaving exam)! Well, the CAE was quite difficult and the SLE was really easy. Last weekend, I went to visit my amazing friend and BTW she is a great photographer, so we took couple of pictures. Enjoy the pictures and tomorrow it's gonna be a post about how to overcome stress. Good night (:
Konečne mám už po skúškach (CAE a maturita)! CAE bol dosť ťažký a maturita bola veľmi ľahká. Cez víkend som bola na návšteve u úžasnej kamošky a mimochodom je skvelá fotografka, takže sme nafotili niekoľko fotiek. Zajtra bude príspevok ako prekonať stres. Dobrú noc (:
DRESS: Stradivarius
SHOES: Guess
HAT: Choies
Ingrid ❤️
Krásna ako vždy <3 :)